Drink Aloe Vera Gel for Your Health and Beauty

Forever Living  “created” Pure Natural Aloe Vera Gel for Health & Beauty!

How toxins get in your body through our skin?

Aloe Vera for health? Because we need detox our body and skin every day. The skin is the largest organ in the body. We can find many skin care products, what is looks like helps our skin to make younger,but contains chemicals. But you know, anything put on the skin is absorbed and gets into the body, even science admits this to be true.
Drugs are administered topically on the skin. These drugs wind up the bloodstream within minutes. Everything you put on your skin gets into your bloodstream. It was established that many chemicals are for external use only. They are poisonous and can not be taken internally. But whatever you put on your skin winds up in your body. We put things on our skin such as lotions, moisturizers, cosmetics, soap, shampoo etc. that is including chemical contains, poison for your body.

We absorbs many toxin through our nose. These are primarily the poisons that are in the air. Where you live and work determines the amount of pollutants in the air. Most major cities contend that air is filled with poisonous chemicals.We breathe every second, therefore we are absorbing toxins every second.
However there are many toxins in the air also that most people are not aware of. Air fresheners are one of the worst. Talk about misleading advertising, how in the world can they claim that these products “freshen’ the air? The products contain deadly, poisonous chemicals. Would you consider opening the can and drinking the air fresh are! Read the label, they even tell you how poisonous the ingredients are,and our skin, nose is intake lot of poisons from air.
How much poisons are come into the body by food? It is the other large topik.
Although we know how much danger can be to our health, but hard to change our habits, that we only use natural, healthy products. What can we do?

Who does not know that over 5,000 years that people says the aloe plant an miracle?

Here is a great opportunity the Forever Living Products. Many excellent products you can use from our company, if your health important to you. Since 1978 over 10 million satisfied distributor they family and friends use aloe vera products every day around the world. This is the prove, that we can offer you the best aloe drinks and more than 200 kind of aloe and herb based products.
My opinion is, if one company from the beginning growing  and customers don’t complain is a good business.  Forever products more than about the health, its just plus that people making money by using the products, so I can say thank you that I meet with these great opportunity.

If you have not heard before aloe vera benefits, you need to know more information it.

I have many good experiences with the aloe vera drinks, skin care, personal care, and aloe beauty products.T he truth is that I using almost all of the forever aloe vera products. Therefore I can say thank you for the FLP company, my health is excellent.

I using every morning aloe gel + freedom drinks. They are making me “fresher” in the morning, cleaning my digestion system and give me more energy, more vitality. For my digestive system I made the detox Clean 9 program. This is 9 days cleansing program what I use two times/years.

My testimony: after I made the 9 days with Clean 9 program  I feel myself as light-weigh and fresh new live, I got completely natural vitality again.

I  recommend to you our products, because I know you will be a satisfied customer or become distributor and you will be back again.

You can’t buy Forever Living Products in the stores.
Good news: you can order on Forever Online Store  your healthy products.

Registered distributor get 15% discount all of retail price. Don’t hesitate to register because no obligation and any fee, absolutely free forever.


Forever Calcium Natural Way for Healthy Bones

Calcium is Necessary Your Healthy Bones and Teeth.


Calcium is the most common minerals found in your body, accounting for about 2% of your total weight.

Forever Calcium:

 -is an ultra-dense Calcium formula that supplies your body with 100% of daily-recommended dietary intake (RDA) of calcium. Blended with a hint vanilla flavor, the daily serving of Forever Calcium contains 1000mg of calcium contaminated with Vitamin D and Magnesium-two elements that are essential for maximizing calcium absorption.Calcium Citrate is one of the most absorbable forms of Calcium and is essential for good bone health and more. Calcium Citrate absorbs much better than the cheaper form of Calcium Carbonate. It dissolves easily in the stomach. By measuring blood levels of calcium, it has been demonstrated that Calcium Citrate is 2.5 times more bioavailable (easier for your body to use)  than Calcium Carbonate.  Also, Calcium Carbonate can cause bloating, gas and constipation.
According to the US, 75 percent of people not enough daily consumption of calcium. Estimates show that roughly 30 to 50 million Americans are lactose intolerant.
People who are lactose intolerant cannot digest lactose, a natural sugar found in milk and daily products, and therefore may not be consuming enough dairy products for their calcium needs. For individuals who either cannot tolerate any lactose or do not like dairy products, Calcium supplements may be an option.

Calcium- Healthy Bones, Teeth and Blood Pressure.

It has been known that Mineral Calcium not only builds and strengthens bones and teeth, it is also important in maintaining normal heart. Calcium is also essential for the healthy functioning of the nerve system.

Calcium- How Much Do You Need?

Average adults including pregnant women need at least 1000 mg of calcium daily, while post-menopausal women need up to 1500mg a day.

What Vitamin D Supplement Does?

The major biological function of Vitamin D is to maintain normal blood levels of calcium and phosphorus. Vitamin D aids in the absorption of calcium, helping to form and maintain strong bones. It promotes bone mineralization in concert with a number of other vitamins, minerals, and hormones. Without Vitamin D, bones can become thin, brittle, soft, or misshapen.

Forever Calcium  include Magnesium:

Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral is the body is essential to good health. Magnesium is needed for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body. It helps maintain normal muscle and nerve function, keeps heart rhythm steady, supports a healthy immune system, and keeps bones strong. Among others things, magnesium regulates active calcium transport.

Forever Calcium supplies your body with 100% of the daily-recommended dietary intake of calcium.

Buy Forever Calcium and Arctic Sea for better Health ORDER / Forever Living Products Online Today.


Reasons to drink Forever Aloe Vera Gel and Drinks

Forever Living Patented Stabilized Aloe Vera Gel Benefits.


   For over 5,000  years, people have held the healing powers of this plant in the highest regard. Egyptian physicians used it in the treatment of infections, skin disorders and as a laxative and they knew aloe vera gel ingredients very useful to   human body that  keep it healthy.
   Modern science has proved that these ancient healers knew what they were talking about all long. We can use externally and internally the aloe vera herbal medicine, but many of us doesn’t know how sensitive plant the aloe vera. If we cut these and we doesn’t  processing within 3 hours plant loses 80% of ingredients.

Why is  different Forever Aloe Vera Gel / drinks , than any other?

 Our aloe drink are made from patented an process by stabilization.Stabilization that means our aloe drinks retains the original inimitable ingredients. This is most important, because you have real pure aloe vera gel what is maximum benefits for your body. Our company the biggest aloe vera grower and processing of aloe based products in  the world.
You can be sure that the best quality aloe drinks, gel what you ordering  from us.

We have Pure Healthy Aloe Vera Gel, Berry Nectar, Bits’N Peaches, Forever Freedom, Forever Pomesteen Power and  more….

Top 13 Reasons to drink and  benefits of aloe vera drinks:

– powerful of antioxidant, vitamin, minerals, amino acids,
– boost immune system
– increase healthy cells and helps digestive function
– helps to fight free radicals
– helps maintain the oxygenation of your blood
– alkalizes the body, helping to balance overly acidic dietary habits
– nourishes the body with minerals, vitamins, enzymes and glyconutrients
– functions as nature’s own “sports drink” for electrolyte balance
– hydrates the skin
– boosts cardiovascular performance and physical endurance.
– maintain a healthy body weight
– helps maintain healthy connective tissues and joint function (Forever Freedom aloe with glucosamine sulfate and MSM)
– support vitality

Register to Forever Living and you are able to buy products with less money. Registration if free!

Buy Forever Aloe Vera gel


 ORDER / Enjoy Forever Pure Aloe Vera Gel.


Men’s Vitolize For Prostate Health

 Men’s Vitolize For Re-Vitality, Prostate & Urinary Health.

Buy your Forever Vitolize supplement for healthy vitality and prostate

Men’s Vitolize for more vitality and furthermore more prostate health. The prostate is a walnut-sized gland that surrounds the urethra, which carries urine away from bladder. Prostatitis, or unhealthy gland, is common in age above 40 men. This condition often becomes chronic, and the gland is subject to infection, the discomfort is extremely strong, and furthermore also can causes prostate problem.

In older men the gland enlarges (a condition called BPH, or benign prostatic hyperplasia) and interferes with normal urination. This problem is extremely common. In fact, as many as one in there men over age 65 have the condition.

What kind of herbs and minerals can help keep healthy men’s prostate, urinary function?

Forever New Vitolize for Men;

-contains  these ingredients all together in a bottle:
-Proprietary blend of Saw palmetto, Pygeum, Pumpkin seed, Selenium, Zinc, Vitamin C, D, E, B6, and the most important Quercetin and Lycopene.

Saw Palmetto;

The plant is a small, scruffy palm native to the Atlantic coast of the United States from South Caroline to Florida. The berries of the plant are a traditional folk remedy for prostate health and in addition are required for the production of hormones.In modern clinical trials, the herb has proven its worth by greatly help for ideal hormone function.


– this compound comes from a large evergreen tree native to Africa. The bark has been shown to reduce prostate enlargement in clinical trials.
It activates testosterone (which is good for prostate health). Finally, it has been proven helpful also for the maintain healthy function of the prostate .


Selenium & Zinc;

-these trace minerals is powerful antioxidant on its own even more effective, but it boost the potency of Vitamin E , when two are taken together. In addition these trace minerals important for healthy body.. This Selenium plays a role in many vital functions in human body: an important supporter of producing sperm. The Selenium also plays an important role to start produce again insulin in those cells who are not died. This Selenium plays a role in many vital functions in human body: an important supporter of producing sperm. The Selenium also plays an important role to start produce again insulin in those cells who are not died.

Pumpkin Seed;

– also popular as traditional folk remedy for prostate,  helps urinary functions . In fact, the seeds are in a dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals with anti-oxidants, added natural Vitamin C, D, E, B6  in the Forever  Vitolize -these ingredients is  highly boost your vitality and healthy power. Promote your immune system, help fight against free radicals. The Quercetin is flavonoid which we known free radicals in the body.

Forever Men’s Vitolize contains special of ingredients that men need. Vitolize as a healthy young vitality In addition, it helps in male sexuality in a bottle.

60 capsule/bottle for one month

Registered distributor get  up to 35% discount from retail price. Register is absolutely free furthermore no obligation to buy.

Buy Forever Men's Vitolize

ORDER / Forever Men’s  Vitolize.


Forever Women’s Vitolize For Re- Vitality.

 Forever Women’s Vitolize for Vitality.

Supplement for Re-Vitality and Menopause.
Every women’s dream after a certain age to keep their beauty and . A lot of people think that getting a facelift or a plastic surgery will solve all of their problems. That’s not true. Youth and vitality comes from inside of the body. When are we feel good? When we are feeling healthy, vitality and powerful energy. The only way we can stay healthy for many years, if we keep maintain our body by giving everything it needs. Discomfort, which must owe PMS, menopause, or not optimum urinary tract function, which may be related to hormonal changes and as well as special nutritional needs.

Vitality with Forever Women's Men's Vitolize

Men;s Forever Vitolize for healthy urinary system and furthermore prostate health.

Good news! New  Forever Vitolize may help re-vitality your body!

Women's VitolizeForever VitoLize ™ ♀ Women’s Health Supplement specially the female needs in mind. Designed of natural blend of  antioxidants, and furthermore including  rich in vitamins and minerals. These are comes from herbs and fruits. Botanical Blend Forever  Vit ♀ Lize ™ proprietary blend of herb and  rich of phytonutrients of plants. Including apple powder, cranberry fruit powder ,schisandra berries and , passion flower as well as botanical herbs. All of these plants have been used for centuries by keeping the balance between hormones and overall health and well-being in order to preserve.

Vitolitze Ingredients:

-Proprietary blend of plants, including passion and Schisandra berry furthermore apple fruit powder , each of which is a traditional plant has long been used as a natural help for women vitality.

-Cranberry Fruit-force, which is made according to a patented process, reinforcing the power of natural nutrients. These reducing the maximum length of gastrointestinal tract where they can be absorbed through a time-released mechanism.

-Magnesium, Vitamin C and B vitamins that support the essential hormone production.

-Iron and calcium, two significant mineral, which helps to the maintain of women’s cardiovascular and furthermore bone health.

Possible benefits of above ingredients;

– Assists a healthy balanced maintain Menopause.
– Insured nutritional supplement for hormonal balance.
– Promotes urinary tract health.
– Helps balancing good mood.
– Support defense from free radicals.
– Supports healthy immune system.
– Natural supplement for women health.
– Vitolize Maximum power for Women vitality and feeling as a  youth after a long day.
120 pc capsule in a bottle balanced your vitality in addition to your energy one month.

Vitolize for Men.

Forever-Vitolize for Men

ORDER / Forever Vitolize Supplement.


Attila Gidofalvi Diamond Manager Teaching about Faith

Attila Gidofalvi Diamond Manager at Forever Living Products.

He has been working with Forever Living company for 3 years. Just like everybody else he started the our business from scratch. On one of the first meetings he held “he made a statement that he would be come very successful in a very short amount of time“. As a business Forever Living Company has been around for 40 years. And no one did  a statement the first few weeks in this business  so far like his.

At the time Attila Gidofalvi’s statement was considered to be far fetched. And then  within 2,5 years he achieved the much desired position of the Diamond Manager. Needless to say, the title comes with remarkable commissions such as travels. Furthermore much friends, recognatizions and extra bonus check.

What the Difference Between Successful and Average Man ?

Success Secret?

-his determination, conviction, perseverance, deep passion, and faith in himself, his work, furthermore an in others made him who he is today. Attila most important teaching is: have faith and all is yours. His story, his style, his success of course can be an example to Everybody.

Video about his faith at the Phoenix Super Rally Stage.

Attila Gidofalvi  the most successful distributor in the Forever Living business as well as one of the the MLM business. It is already for seen that as the most productive member of Forever Living. He is not about to retire, he is going to further establish the biggest  business. In this movie you can feel and understand his  message because he speaks to all
of us.

Is this the Faith ?

Yes, this is the faith and this lead to the goal or anywhere or to any business.
If you can see where you are in your heart, you will experience the reality of it.

Become Forever Living Distributor, register right now (absolutely free) and you can start your own business successfully!



Forever Men’s & Women’s Vitolize for More Vitality

Forever Vitolize for Urinary, Prostate Health. PromoteHormonal Balance.

Forever Women's Men's Vitolize


Ingredient of  Forever Men’s Vitolize:

Forever Men's Vitolize For Prostate & Urinary Health


-Proprietary blend of botanicals including saw palmetto, pygeum, and pumpkin seed, which have been used for centuries in traditional herbal medicine.
Vitamin C, D, E and B6 are all essential for a healthy prostate.
-Selenium and Zinc, which are critical role in men’s health.
Quercetin and lycopene  have been added with these important nutrients to help balancing prostate health.
Highly effective blend of vitamins,minerals and herbs.
The powerful nutrients of Pro6, which now includes more bioavailable nutrients and more powerful botanical.

 Primary Health Benefits of Men’s Forever Vitolize:

High value of Vitamin and minerals.
-Including Selenium and Zinc what body needs.
Natural solution for normal urinary, testicular function and healthy urinary flow.
Protects against free radical damage.
Complete prostate support.
Polyphenol-equivalent to eating an entire pomegranate fruit .
-Helps vital energy for through long day.

Daily used 2 pieces of Vitolize and enjoy your better health.

Ingredients of Forever Women’s Vitolize:

Women's Forever Vitolize For Healthy Hormonal Balance-A proprietary blend of botanicals including, apple power, passionflower and schizandra berry, all of which have been used in traditional herbal medicine.
-Cranberry fruit power that is made through a proprietary process. That intensifies the natural benefits of the nutrients to lower l tract. So easy to absorbs.

Magnesium, vitamin C and B vitamins to support essential hormone production.
Iron and calcium, two critical minerals for women’s cardiovascular and bone health.

Possible Health Benefits of Cranberry fruit and other ingredients in this product:

Promotes urinary tract health.
Support healthy reproductive organs.
Provides nutritional support for hormonal balance.
Helps protect against free radical damage.
Best natural supplement for about feeling discomfort due to menopause.
Helps balancing healthy menopause.

Daily use 4 pieces of Vitolize for your better health, activity and energy.

 ORDER / Forever Living Products Online Store.


Benefits of Forever Living Lycium Plus / Lycium Fruits

Forever Living Lycium Plus Powerful of Natural Antioxidant from Licorice and Lycium.

 Lycium fruits antioxidant effects about 40 times stronger than Vitamin-C or E.

Forever Living Products Lycium Plus .Lycium fruits about 60 to 100 times stronger natural antioxidant power than Vitamin-C or E has.Chinese Lycium is the scientific name for the Wolfberry plant which belongs to solanaceae, or nightshade, family. This Asian plant is a shrub which measures 9 to 12 feet in height and its branches have long, oval, pointed leaves of 3 to 4 inches distributed in staggered manner the length of the branch. Its fruit (berries) are charlet colored and measure about 1 inch in length. The fruit, roots, and occasionally leaves are utilized.

Benefits of  Lycium:

According to Chinese terminology, Lycium is a “cold’ product, hence its ability to lower temperature pressure. They are has been a long time using, and long list of experience that Lycium fruits excellent detoxifying properties for the liver and kidneys have been found in the lycium fruits, because these fruits contains strong of antioxidants.

Antioxidant to neutralize free radicals that do so much damage to body tissues. It also contains a great variety of phytonutrients, flavonoids and important chemical components. These make it of great importance of free radicals, premature aging and wrinkles, etc. Lycium fruits especially useful for smoker people,because dilates the airways become in the lungs.
One of popular product our Forever Living Lycium Plus, what is keeping principal properties of this Lycium fruits and Licorice extracts.

Forever created one of the best Lycium product, called Lycium Plus:

Forever Lycium Plus is Powerful antioxidant Good source of phytonutrients Beneficial to eyesight and skin Powerful tonic

– more information click on the photo

-which is contains three different types of beneficial herbs in one bottle. It contains Lycium fruit extract from Northern Asia (It is made up of over 150 different compounds, which have been shown to have many beneficial effects.
Its most frequent use by far is as a complementary herb, with its main function being to bring out the best beneficial effects of other herbs) plus:

Licorice bioflavonoids exracts, a concentrated form of licorice bioflavonoids produced according to an exclusive process, and highly value of beneficial phytonutrients.

What  ingredients  beneficial for the human body of the Licorice plant ?

The Licorice plans in China the most used herb what doctor offer to the patients. Forever Living not processed whole Licorice plant, we using helpful flavonoid extract of the Licorice only. The people used to be thought, the glycyrrhizic acid caused for health benefits from the Licorice, today we known that glycyrrhizic might cause side effect diseases. That’s why Forever processed medical effect flavonoids extract from the Licorice plants.

 Lycium possible benefits:

– Powerful of antioxidant which are play an important role in healthy immune system function .
– Good source of phytonutrients, vitamin and minerals.
– Boost maintain health.

– Beneficial to eyesight and skin.
– Big help in the flu or cold season.
– Balancing lung health and highly recommended for smoker.
– Helps to  stronger resistance of against free radicals.
– Helps to stronger of a weakened immune system.
– Recommended for those who have a weakened body because Lycium increasing body energy

I using Lycium Plus every day,  cause mentioned, more stronger antioxidant, than   Vitamin-C. I feel like I healthy person. Sure, I’m a daily consumer from  Forever Living products in order to live healthier life.

Recommended to take:  daily 2 pills with meal  for 3-4 months, then recommended to pause for 1-2 months.

Try to use  Forever Lycium Plus and  Forever Pomesteen which is contains high value of ORAC as well  vitamin and  antioxidants, these are great helpers to boost your immune system healthy function.

 ORDER / Forever Nutritional Supplement Online.


Forever Aloe Vera Gentleman’s Pride After Shave

Forever Living Gentleman’s Pride Aloe After Shave.


Forever Living Products Gentleman's Pride After Shave and Men 25th Edition Alcohol free parfume

For over 5,000 years, people have held the healing powers of this aloe vera miracle plant in the highest regard. Egyptian physician used it in the treatment of skin disorders and laxative and  detox of body. Modern science has proved that these ancient healers knew what they were talking all along.
 You may not need scientists telling you that aloe gel is excellent treatment for skin care ,but it may comfort you to learn that science confirm what you already know.

Forever Aloe Vera Gentleman’s Pride Men After Shave and Skin Conditioner:

-best treatment for you. Open the bottle and moisturize your face area as well ,and enjoy the fresh icy exhilaration feeling. University of Texas investigators have tested the use of aloe on wide  variety of burns and found it highly effective. So, Gentleman’s Pride Aloe Vera After Shave As a protective layer on your face from sunburn.

Benefits of Aloe Vera After Shave:

Aftershave or anytime moisturizing lotion
– Alcohol-free formula
– Soothes and moisturizes
– Unique, fresh fragrance

Forever Aloe Vera Man’s 25th Edition Alcohol-free Perfume Spry :

-aromatic  fragrance of blend Sensuous masculine blend of fruity, components proven of forever fresh feeling  and long lasting. Ingredients of aromatic notes of crushed basil and Mediterranean lavender with a refreshing combination of iced pineapple and Cambrian bergamot. The slightly fruity aromatic impression continues into the heart, where geranium and tea leaves are accented by Granny Smith apple.

Natural aromatic woody notes  fragrance perfume based of sensual musks, tea leaves, Granny Smith apple, oakmoss, cedarwood, sandalwood and tonka bean.

ORDER / Forever Man’s Skin and Personal Care Products Online.

Forever Living Products offer for you pure aloe based personal care collection.

Excellent Natural  Forever Personal Care for Men


Healthy Metabolism: Vitamin, Fiber, Low-carb & High-carb Food

How it Works for Low-carb or High-carb Foods in the Metabolism?

 Natural Metabolism Boost:

-That high-carb spaghetti, rice pilaf, bean chili, baked potato or bread has another advantage. It actually boost your metabolism, speeding up your calorie-burning for hours after a meal. Here is how is works: Carbohydrates increase your natural production of hormones, called thyroid hormone and noradrenaline, both of which step-up your metabolism. The result is faster calorie burning that begins automatically. The increased metabolism peaks about 30 to 90 minutes and continues for hours after the meal.
For people who like technical explanations, here is what happens. Your thyroid gland is at the base of your neck, under called T4. The name refers to the fact that four iodine atoms are attached to it. Carbohydrate-rich foods turn T4 into a much  more powerful hormone by removing one of these iodine atoms The resulting hormone, now called T3, increase the calorie-burning speed in your cells, just as stepping on the gas pedal of your car increases the rate at which the car burns gas.
So high-carb foods are great for help to burning calorie.

Diet and  Carbohydrate-rich  Foods.

Diet that are very low in complex carbs can do the opposite, turning T4 into an inactive hormone called reverse T3, slowing  down your metabolism and short-circuiting your change for success. The thyroid boost is only half the story of your improved calorie-burning. Carbohydrate-rich  foods also increase your body’s production of another hormone,called noradrenaline, a  close relative of adrenaline, and it adds to your ability to burn calories.

So carbohydrate-rich foods are the best friends of anyone trying to slim down. They are naturally low in calories, they cannot easy add to your body fat, and they help boost your metabolism for hours, so calories are burned off faster.
Now here is a critical point: Complex carbohydrates are found only in plants. Grains, such as a bread, spaghetti , and rice are loaded with them . The same is true of beans and vegetables. But, animal products are a different story altogether.  There are no complex carbs in chicken, fish, beef, pork, eggs, or dairy products. The more animal products you put on your plate, the more carbohydrate-rich vegetable foods you are pushing  off it. Even worse, because chicken, fish and other animal products do not have any complex carbs, they can encourage the inactivation of thyroid hormone, and your metabolism can actually slow down as a result. That is one reason why the most powerful weight-control programs use vegetarian menus.

Check out natural way to lose weight with  Clean9, 9 days weight management program.

Forever Fiber for digestive constipation metabolism health

Fiber and Plants.

Buy Forever Fiber for healthy metabolismThere is an added bonus to foods from plants.
Plants  are rich in fiber, which adds a hearty texture to foods but has a virtually no calories. Fiber is what people used to call roughage, the part of plants that resists digestion in the small intestine. Its value was not appreciated until relatively recently, and so it is often removed by refining methods. The result it white bread instead of whole-grain breads, white rice instead of brown rice, and baked goods that are more densely packed with calories and less satisfying that they should be. Like complex carbs, fiber is not found in fish or chicken or other animal products. By: Neal Barnard, M. D.

Forever  Aloe Vera Gel

Aoe Vera Gel for gigestion healthExcellent daily multivitamin complex because its rich in vitamin, antioxidant and it contains more than 200 healthy ingredients. Powerful health-promoting and immune-enhancing antioxidants. You can choice flavored like pitches,mango whic are great tasting also. All of these ingredients is ability to promote good health furthermore through the elimination of free radicals in the body.
Especially useful addition to dieters for keeping healthy body .

Recommended for 4 oz/day in the morning which is give you daily needed of antioxidant and vitamin. Ideal for the entire family!

 ORDER / Forever Living Aloe Vera Products Online Store.
