Forever FAB X Natural Energy Drink Without Sugar or Coffee

New Forever FAB X for a healthy today and forever!

Forever FAB-X Natural Energy Drink
Wouldyou like to reach a healthy way for more power without harmful ingredients? 

Forever Living created one of the best healthy natural energy drink, it’s called; FAB X.

FAB X Active Boost™ Energy Drink benefits:

  • -provides a healthy alternative including vitamins (with B6, B12) , amino acids, and electrolytes without the calories, sugar or carbs.
  • – FAB X including Guarana, and proprietary blend of adaptogenic herbs, minerals, vitamins, aminoes and electrolytes formulates by a leading sports scientist.
  • -perfect for quick energy but not only quick energy, it is a long term energy.

  • -maximum help to increase your power through your long  day with hard work, fitness or sport-training while you enjoy the excellent taste of our favorable drinks.

Forever Living FAB X  boost your productivity without the sugar, calories and carbs. Our energy drink  improve your energy, helps for concentration all day. Excellent go-to drink when you need fresh or refreshing. You’ll get vitality in a healthy way from FAB X which can revitalize you.
Everybody needs natural energy boost, Forever’s energy drink provides a healthy alternative you can enjoy with confidence. Try our Aloe Vera based Nutrition, skin and personal care for your health!

Forever Active Boost! One of the BEST Natural Energy Drink!

Check out  benefits of Forever healthy FAB BOOST
I exited to introduce to you a best natural energy drink! It has an amazing taste.

ORDER FAB Energy Drink today online!

Istvan Halmi & Rita Halmi in a Forever Living Business

 Forever Leaders Istvan Halmi & Rita Halmi Diamond Managers and their son Bence .

Rex Maughan SEO,  Rita & Istvan Halmi Leaders

Rex Maughan SEO, Rita & Istvan Halmi Leaders

How does one become a successful leader?         

    Forever give you all keys and tools what you need in order to achieve all of your dreams!
Since 1978 when Forever Living Products is created, many wonderful story have been the prove that Forever give excellent opportunity for everyone who like to have better health and wealth and more success in their life.
Our opportunity for everyone and everywhere all over the world.
Here is the story of this successful couple and their young son who provides Forever opportunity for the new generation!
Istvan Halmi and Rita Halmi Diamond Managers in Hungary.  They started their business a decade ago and by now they are one of the most successful leaders in Forever Living business.
In this 10 minute video, they are sharing some of the  experience on the Forever Global Rally stage in 2013 on Hawaii.
Their son Bence Halmi, more than 20 years old young boy who achieved Manager level in a very short time. Bence show the way to the new generation, how they can earn big amount of money, achieve success in short period of time with Forever Living. 

“I will be the youngest Diamond Manager in the Forever business”.  Bence said on the global rally stage.                                                                      

Go Diamond Bence!
Enjoy the following video and start your own business.  Your success is up to you!
We are here to support and help you !

REGISTER / Start new Life With Forever


Forever New & Improved Calcium for Complete Bone Health

A True Evolution in Bone Health with Forever New and Improved Natural Nutrition.


Smaller, more bio-available, more comprehensive.

 As more people aware of the importance of nutrition in combating osteoporosis. Many people have turned to supplements like calcium and minerals to provide the nutrients needed for bone health. Researches has shown that supplements for optimal bone health should include nutrients in the correct dosage. New and improved Forever C.o. is a comprehensive blend of critical nutrients, specifically balanced to support the maintenance and development of healthy bones.
99% of the body’s calcium is contained in the bones and teeth.


  • -natural and provides clinically proven qualities of   Ca., Magnesium, Zinc, Manganese, Copper and Vitamin C & D to help support proper bone structure and function.
  • *highest quality ingredients to support your health.
  • *Supports strong bones and teeth. Copper and the Vitamin C & D to help maintain proper bone function and structure.
  • *Di-Calcium (New form of Calcium) malate, is most effective at promoting optimum bone building since it stay in the blood stream and it additional of longer and does not interfere with the natural pH balance in the stomach.
  • *Proper Calcium supplementation may increase bone mineralization in children and young adults.
  • *Adequate calcium and vitamin D as part of a healthful diet, along with physical activity.
  • *Reduced size and tapered design for easier consumption.

Proprietary Mineral blend- Absorption is the Key!

Science has shown that as we age our ability to absorb calcium from our diet diminishes. In fact some reports indicate that our ability to absorb calcium from our diet declines 60% from childhood to adulthood.
According to the USDA food intake survey 50% of females do not consume the recommended daily nutrition amount. . Our Supplement provides the recommended 1000mg of Co. per day recommended by the World Health Organization. So here is the fact why you start today take it


New and Improved Ca. Co includes a proprietary blend of minerals starting with the most absorb-able of calcium and magnesium. These two critical minerals for bone health. It can help you feel assured that you are relying on the highest quality ingredients and the result to support your overall health.

The best from of Calcium- Di-Calcium Malate

Di- C.O. malate is a patented and vegetarian friendly and it has been shown to not only have better absorption rate than other forms of calcium, but also stays in the blood stream longer, making it more effective at promoting optimum bone building. In addition other alkaline C.o salts available in the market are known to cause gas and acid rebound, however Forever nutrition from of Calcium has shown in clinical studies that it maintains better GI tolerance that Ca. salt forms.

Stomach (G.I.) Friendly Di Co. Malate does not disrupt the natural pH in the stomach like other forms of Calcium.
In summary or improved supplement uses superior forms of calcium and other patented high performance minerals to ensure maximum absorption and bioavailability.Studies comparing different forms of calcium indicate that the patented calcium used in It has superior absorption when compared to Ca. salts.
Di-Calcium is absorbed into the bloodstream at almost twice the level that Calcium carbonate is.
Di-malate stays in the bloodstream twice as long as Ca. Carbonate and thus it is twice as likely to be utilized by the organs.

For complete Bone health:

 In additional to highly absorb-ble calcium and magnesium, the New & Improved Co. includes the trace minerals like zinc, copper and manganese. A two-years, double-blind placebo-controlled study published in the journal of Nutrition looked at the effects of C.o. supplements with and without the addition of these trace minerals on spinal bone loss in postmenopausal of women bone loss relative to baseline value continued in the placebo group. The group receiving calcium alone, showed some slowing of the bone loss, while the group receiving calcium plus these critical trace minerals had its bone loss halted. Adequate nutrition along with a healthful diet and physical activity are most important key  components of complete bone health.

ORDER Your Nutritional Supplement For More Health.


Forever Bright Aloe Vera Toothpaste with propolis

 Forever  Bright Aloe Vera Toothpaste with propolis, without harmful fluoride.

  Very hard to find the good tooth gel, without any harmful ingredient for the entire family.
   I meet Forever company few years ego and since that time I am using the No.1 tooth gel Aloe Vera Toothpaste. In the last 10 years period, my experience is excellent with Forever Bright and it also  become a favorite toothpaste for my family for daily use. Of course, I shared my good experience with my friends and they pleased to use our toothpaste. Everyone loving it and no one in the family had a bad opinion about our toothpaste so far. What can be the reason?

Forever Bright Tootgel Benefits:

-natural antibiotics, bee propolis, whereas the result is a marvelous formula that disinfects the mouth and throat, protects the gum. Our toothgel is a non-abrasive, non-fluoride formula, cleaning and help to whitening the tooth without any harm.
Propolis includes lot of beneficial ingredients such as vitamins, minerals and antioxidants which as we known the propolis works like a natural antibiotic.
Recommended also for vegetarians since it contains no animal by-products.
Formulated for the entire family.


Bright Toothpaste ingredients:

Forever Living Bright Toothpaste-stabilized, pure aloe vera  gel
-bee propolis
-natural mint flavor (peppermint and spearmint flavorings leave your mouth feeling fresh and clean).
-no added fluoride
-doesn’t contains any harmful ingredients or chemical preservatives.

Stabilized Forever Aloe Vera Products benefits
Your teeth will gleam when you brush with Forever Bright Toothpaste that comes with the benefit of our patented stabilized aloe vera gel and bee propolis.


Registered distributor get up to 30% discount. Free to register, no obligation to buy, no fee.

ORDER  Forever Bright Toothgel Online Today!


How works antioxidants, vitamin & nutritions in our body?

Why we need antioxidants, vitamin and nutrition?


What makes antioxidants so important?

   Can they really help us move from ordinary to excellent health? Why we need to take vitamin and antioxidants? To understand how antioxidants and vitamin can help you, step back for a moment. And look at your body as a whole and its interrelationship with the environment around you. Your body is a complex structure with many dynamic organ systems that work independently and and last but not least independently of each other.


-to sustain you in your environment, these interconnected system requires fuel. That fuel, the food you take in when you eat – is broken down into macro-nutrients: fats, carbohydrates, and protein. These elements continuously pump blood through your body.
This energy allows your brain to function, your muscles to contract, and your immune system to fight off infection. . Your body’s process of consuming and using energy is called, metabolism. This process goes on constantly, day and night, within your body. In a way, this use of energy can be compared to car’s burning of gasoline. To run at full efficiently, the car requires not only gasoline as its energy source, but also the right additives to keep the energy from “knocking”. Your body requires not only carbohydrates, protein, and fat for energy, but also the right balance of macronutrients to run at its best.

The Role of Oxygen:

 Without oxygen, your body could not convert the food that you consume into usable energy. This essential substance allows you to metabolize fats furthermore protein, and carbohydrates. The body’s use of oxygen involves a process known as oxidative reactions. These essential reactions convert food energy sources into useful molecular subunits and discard what is no longer needed of functional.
   Everything you do – from the most basic actions of seeing, hearing, laughing, slepeing, and thinking – depends on your body’s use of oxygen. Oxygen is key to your survival and to the proper functioning of your vital organs.


Free radicals:

-In a car, the running motor created an exhaust that is emitted through the tailpipe. The gases in that exhaust (carbon monoxide, sulfur, and nitrogen oxides) are harmful pollutants. In a similar way, as your body uses molecules to create energy, is produces an ” exhaust” that includes substances known as free radicals. Because of their structure, free radicals are toxic: you can think of them as  harmful pollutants. Of the many kinds of free radicals, the most common are oxygen-free radicals. As the cells in your body consume millions of oxygen molecules each minute, huge numbers of these oxygen-free radicals are produced.

Free radicals are molecules with one or more unpaired electrons; they are unstable and highly reactive.
To regain stability, free radicals attack other molecules in search of an electron. free radicals can target molecules in any cell in the body from which to grab an electron. The molecule attacked by the free radical loses an electron and damaged.
To regain stability, free radicals attack other molecules in search of an electron.


    Just as your body constantly consumes and uses energy;

-the free radicals produces during this  process constantly damage molecules in cells throughout your body. In fact, it is estimated that every cell in your body is subjected to approximately 10,000 “hits” by free radicals each day.
     Why normal metabolism produces some free radicals, many circumstances – such as illness, cigarette smoking, radiation, and irritating chemicals in the air – can increase the number of free radicals produced. When the level of free radicals gets too high, as in smokers, for example, the body is said to be in a state of oxidative stress.
   Fortunately, your cells have built-in system to repair the damage free radicals cause, and your body can usually maintain a reasonable balance between the rate of damage and the rate of repair. The cell may not be damaged enough to be considered “sick” but will not function well enough to be considered healthy.

Consider, for example;

On the other hand, the damage from free radicals is sometimes too extensive to repair.
If free radicals are so bad, you may wonder, why does body continue to produce them?  Like oxygen itself – which is essential but which can be toxic – free radicals help protect your body in some important ways. Certain immune cells in your body release free radicals than can kill invading bacteria and help prevent infections, for example. Because of this, we need to balance the destructive and the beneficial capabilities of these molecules.

Antioxidant, Vitamins,  Minerals

amino-acids-are-the-building--blocks-of-all-protein1The substances that neutralize free radicals are called antioxidants. Some antioxidants occur naturally in the environment. Your body manufacturers other ( for example, enzymes with names like (superoxide dismutase, glutathione proxide, and catalase). As I mentioned, certain itamin and minerals have antioxidant effects, particularly Vitamin C and E, ans Beta Carotine, as well as the Minerals, Zinc and Selenium.
Aloe Vera gel contains all the important vitamins,minerals and antioxidants, and in addition to give you vitality.


-our knowledge is greatest about the antioxidant effects of vitamins C and E and of beta carotene. These three micro nutrients are we can find in different parts of the cell.  And these nutrient is active depends on where a free radicals attacks. For example, vitamin E is fat-soluble ( dissolves in fat), and is primarily in cells membranes. It may act most prominently as an antioxidant if damage occurs in the cell membrane. The  water-soluable vitamin C we can find in the cytoplasm of the cell and may play  a more important antioxidant role if a free radical is inside the watery confines of the cell.
  Despite their different locations in the cell, antioxidants operate in similar ways. When they encounter a free radical, with its unpaired or missing electron, they give up one of their own electrons to the free radical.

Why doesn’t the vitamin itself become a free radicals?

Antioxidants to interact with each other. When vitamin E gives up its electron to free radical, the vitamin becomes oxidized. Vitamin C can then interact with the modified vitamin E and return it to its original state. This vitamin interaction helps maintain the balance between free radicals and antioxidants.
In summation, our bodies break down the food that we consume into the nutrients that supply energy. Besides that, this energy fuel the many cellular functions necessary to sustain life. Metabolism – the process of energy consumption and utilization. Furthermore involves a series of reactions using oxygen. These oxidative reactions create byproducts, known as free radicals. Substances known as antioxidants help the body come with this potential for cellular damage. Antioxidants, more notably Vitamin C and of course Vitamin E and carotene give up electrons to render free radicals harmless.

Forever Living Products:

Forever Living Products Nutrition -has different types of nutritional supplements which are including contains antioxidants, vitamins and minerals and best sources of herbs. In order to greater effect we reach, need to  consume each of three different  types supplements: antioxidants, vitamins, nutrition.


  • Forever Living Antioxidants products: LYCIUM PLUS, VISION, GINKGO PLUS, GARLIC-THYME and A-BETA-CARE  
  • Minerals products: NATURE MIN, FIELDS OF GREENS, CALCIUM  
  • Vitamin products: NATURE’S 18, KIDS VITAMIN,  B12 PLUS,  A-BETA-CARE,  ABSORBENT C.

 ORDER Yours Natural Nutritional Supplement from Forever


Healthy Brain with healthier food and natural supplement.

10 Foods and Forever Ginkgo, Arctic Sea Omega-3, Argi+ are for healthy brain.

Foods and Supplement for

10 Foods power your healthy brain:

Luckily, foods that are good for your brain are also good for the rest of you. For example, many brain-healthy foods are also boost your heart-health. Healthy brain helps you feeling happy.
Put your thinking caps on and make sure your eating plan contains the following foods:

1.  Avocados;

– do more than just make guacamole. this creamy fruit is high in monounsaturated fat, a type of fat that’s good for your blood vessels and your heart. Monounsaturated fat can help lower LDL, while raising HDL, or good cholesterol. When you keep your cholesterol levels in healthy range, monounsaturated fat can get more health all of organs.
Tip: add a few slices of avocado to your sandwich. Mashed-up avocado is a healthy change from mayonnaise.

2. Berries;

Forever Pomesteen Antioxidats Drink-blueberries, blackberries, and strawberries are rich in antioxidants, which can increasing the brain function. Blueberries has a lot of vitains and antioxidts. Berries also power your memory health and helps to keep you thinking clearly. One cup of most types of berries contains 15-20 grams of carbohydrates, so the can easier fit into your meal plan.

Try to Forever Living Pomesteen Power drink made from finest fruits (berries) which are high quality of natural ingredients: phytonutrients, vitamins, antioxidants and minerals. Including the highest ORAC value rating all with a proprietary blend of fruit juices and extracts, Mangosteen, Pomegranate, Blackberry, Raspberry, Blueberry, Grape Seed and Pear. Those are helps healthy blood flow, fight free radicals and many more beneficial properties in it.

3. Fish oil:

Forever Cardiac Health Support Supplement-also known as Omega-3 fatty acids, fish oils are needed for brain growth during infancy and childhood. Adults need fish oils, too. These healthy fats improve memory, helps healthy blood flow and circilation system and has many more health benefits.Fatty fish, such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, erring and sardines are the best sources of fish oils.
If you don’t like fish, take your daily needed fish oil & omega-3 with an high quality of New and improved Forever Arctic Sea Omega-3 nutritional supplement which is best source of ultra-pure Omega-3 Fish Oil, Calamari oil, High Oleic Olive Oil and beneficial ingredients.

4. Eggs;

– are one of the best foods there are. They not only contain protein and vitamin D, eggs are rich in choline. Choline is like a vitamin and is needed to form substances that carry messages to and form brain cells and nerves. We also need choline to keep our organs, tissues and cells healthy. Beef, salmon, cod fish, shrimp and milk also contains choline, but egg yolks are a key source. And good news: eggs are lower in cholesterol that we ones thought.

5. Greens;

Forever Supergreens-if nothing else gets you to eat spinach, maybe this will: spinach and other leafy greens like kale, collard greens, lettuce and wheat greens have plenty of B vitamins that helps to brain and digestion system ideal function. Check out Forever Supergreens.
Forever Fields of Greens for your healthy metabolism and healthy blood flow in the whole body. Made from young wheat grass, alfalfa, barley grass and cayenne pepper.


6. Whole grains;

-eating whole grain foods can help with heart health and metabolism also Eating whole grains also helps to make sure that blood flows to your brain. Lack of enough blood flow to the brain can make it harder to think clearly. Also, whole grain foods are rich in carbohydrates, which the brain uses in the from of glucose for energy.

7. Green and herbal tea;

-studies show that people who drink at least two cups green or herbal tea every day are more likely to stay sharp and think clearly than people who drink little or no these tea. Tea may helps to maintain healthy brain function, helps cleaning digestion sistem and relax. And excellent refresment drink. Checked ou Forever Blossom Herbal Tea. Forever Tea secures its subtle flavor with wonderful herbal extracts: cinnamon, ginger, fragrant cloves, soothing allspice, zesty orange peel, plus cardamom, fennel, chamomile, blackberry leaf, and gymnema sylvestre.


8. Nuts and seeds;

– are full of nutrients that are good for your brain, such as vitamin E, B vitamins, zinc, magnesium, unsaturated fat and omega-3 fatty acids. Most nuts and seeds are healthy choices. Try almonds, walnuts, pecans, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds and flax-seeds. They’re good mixed with just about anything. Watch the portion, though, because these tasty treats are high in calories.

9. Curry power:

-is actually a blend of several species, including turmeric. Turmeric contains curcumin, which is an antioxidant. Curcumin may help to all organ function of the body and furthermore brain health.

10. Cocoa powder;

-enjoy your cocoa without all the guilt. Cocoa power is thought to contain even more antioxidants than green tea. Just 2 to 3 tablespoons of plain cocoa powder may keep blood flowing to the brain and in addition to help with  memory and thinking.

Try natural supplement for your brain health from Forever Living.

Ginkgo Biloba as we known legendary “Brain Tonic”.

Forever Focus is created from this Biloba herbal plant and we also added beneficial bacopa extract which is traditional Ayurvedic medicine. These product scientific blend of herbs and vitamins known to supports cognitive function furthermore boost mental awareness. One of the most popular selling  products the Forever Focus with Ginkgo Biloba world wide by our distributors. Ginkgo Biloba has been used for thousands of years for memory activity, those who suffer from memory loss, bad brain functions, allergy. Alzheimer’s disease, lack of appropriate blood flow or just avoidance of these disease.

Brain power Natural Forever Supplements:

Argi+ with L-Arginine and fruits extract. Dr Ferid Murad Scientist winner got Nobel Prize has discovered L-Arginine oxigen Molecule.
This wonderful Argi+ natural supplement maintain  your healthy blood flow which is very important for brain function.  L-Arginine may help maintaining your blood flow, and furthermore your cardiovascular system health. 

ARGI + is the only complete Arginine nutritional system that provides the three critical elements of support needed for optimal performance 1) Pure Arginine 2)Special ratio of Vitamins  3) Special ratio of Antioxidants.

Eat healthier, Feel Better!
Register as a distributor to Forever Living and you buy products up to 30% discount. Use “Join Now” button, fill out the registration form and enjoy Forever products on discount prices.

ORDER Your Brain Support Forever Nutritional Supplement.


Aloe Moisturizing Lotion maintain skin’s youthful firmness.

Forever Aloe Moisturizing Lotion makes your skin soft, smooth, preserves its youthful firmness, freshness.

Our Aloe Moisturizing: keep hold of your skin’s moisture, return its elasticity and resiliency, Renew its youthful exterior!
Aloe Vera Moisturizing Lotion has the combination of  pure and natural Aloe Vera gel, Jojoba, Seed Oil, Chamomilla  including vitamins, antioxidant, Elastin and soluble Collagen.

This combination feeds

-moisturizes the skin at the same time helps to replace new skin cells, and also important; helps maintained skin’s pH balance elasticity. Aloe Vera contains very  healthy ingredients like: vitamins, enzymes, acids, antioxidants, minerals, these  are  one of the best  beneficial effect is that regenerates the body’s fluid management, supplement lost fluid, makes the skin softness and smoothness, also build your cells from inside to outside on the skin. Aloe Vera able to go deeply for seven layers to the skin. And from there start to build new healthy cells to out.
This unique Moisturizing creme  very useful  in the summer time.  It helps protect your skin from effects of the dangerous sun rays.
After applying the skin care lotion has been smoothed on and absorbed into the skin (not remain shiny and oily), makeup can be applied as usual.


Forever Aloe Natural Moisturizing;

-perfect Beauty Regime! Ideal daily use to apply soothing and perfect for replacing lost hydrate also helps skin keep healthy.
Protect yourself, protect your skin!

-Moisturizer for face and body.
-Skin absorbs fast.
-Does not contain Lanolin.
-Protect your skin.
– Rich in texture.
-Excellent for hands.
-Helping to counteract the effects of pollution and the environment.


Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice (Stabilized Aloe VeraGel, Water,Soluble Collagen, Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) SeedOil,VitaminE, Chamomilla.  Furthermore contains also Flower Extract, Stearic Acid, Glyceryl, Cetyl Alcohol, Stearate, Hydrogenated Polyisobutene, MethylGluceth-20, Sorbitol, Prunus Armeniaca (Apricot)Kernel Oil, Polysorbate 60, Triethanolamine, Allantoin, Dimethicone, PEG-100 Stearate, Ascorbic Acid, Diazolidinyl Urea, Methylparaben, Propylparaben, Fragrance (Parfum).

BUY Your Forever Living Products Online!
Choice ” ORDER HERE” Button on the Main Menu Bar!

Forever Aloe Natural Moisturizing Lotion
Products# 063

Aloe First Spray from Forever Living Helps Your Skin Healthy

You  find here about beneficial Forever Aloe First Spray.


I would like to share my wonderful experience about First

I have been in Forever Living business since 2003. Around that time my hair was very dry. In Florida where I live, the sun drying my hair. My lucky day was when finally I met Forever Living aloe vera products opportunity by my sponsor.
Inter alia the first of product what I bought the Aloe First spray, that I would try beneficial experience of Forever products. My sponsor recommended to try Aloe Vera First Spray for my hair. And of course together some nutritional supplements in order to increase to stronger my immune system which are very helpful for healthy skin and hair also.

I live in Florida

-so, it was not a problem to spray in a quasi every hour for skin of my head (because the weather is favorable for it. I could to half hourly).  Started to use Aloe First spray with a great hope and at the same time I started drinking Forever Aloe Vera gel, and I also picked daily use A-Beta-CareE, Nature’s18 as well as Nature Min. These products made highest quality of ingredient which are give us the best result.
Only a few days passed aloe First spry I used for my hair then every day getting brighter and better. Two weeks after I started using these excellent Forever Aloe products, which are made me more happier.
I sent to my grandson who living in Hungary. His mom used to, when little boy, mosquito bite, and in a summer season also very helpful for them aloe spray, helps protect skin from dangerous sunshine. Also we know their many beneficial properties, complete this powerful formula because contains Aloe Vera Gel,Bee Propolis, Allantoin and eleven exclusive plant extracts
My family love these products including Aloe First and I happy I can help them.

Here is another happy ending story with Aloe First Spray:

-lady friend of mine went to the beach last weekend. She spent the whole day on the beach. That evening  she looked like a fire, her face burned and she felt so much pain in her face and in her whole skin. The next day morning  her face already was terrible, went down the upper layer from the face skin. She got very ugly sunburn, and in addition to she had very painful and of course her skin was dry.
Immediately came to me at night for some kind of aloe help. I gave to her Aloe First and Aloe Gelly to applying her skin and  few hours after  her skin looks much better and. One day after in the  her face got back normally color, and 2 days after whole
sunburn was gone.

Forever  Aloe First® Contains:


  • Bee Propolis, Allantoin and eleven beneficial herb extracts. There benefits are:
  • -for skin soothing
  • -cleansing properties of the Aloe Vera Gel.
  • -pH-balanced spray.
  • -after sunburns, burns, minor cuts, scrapes, etc.
  • -excellent help for your hair health.
  • It is even used in some hair salons as a pre-perm solution, as it helps combat the drying effects of perming solutions.

Every first-aid kit should have one!
Product# 040  bottle/ 16 fl.oz.

Aloe First Spray Benefits:

I recommend Aloe First spray for every household. Quick natural help for skin, furthermore very useful for your favorite animals’s hair, skin etc.. Only one area exceptional, this is eye. Do not spray Aloe First to eye!
Aloe First is an excellent addition every household to any first aid kit. This exclusive skin soothing formula is an excellent first step for shiny healthy hair and furthermore soothing minor skin irritations.

 ORDER Your Aloe Vera First Today Online!


Ginkgo Biloba / Boost your creativity & memory with Forever Focus

Health Benefits of legendary “brain tonic”Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo Biloba /Forever Ginkgo Plus

Ginkgo Biloba:

Has been more than 200 million years for now live the Ginkgo Biloba in the earth, the earth has included among its living beings this majestic tree which stands 100 tall. Native to China and Japan, it now grows in some areas of Europe and North America. It leaves are fan-shaped with veins measure from its stem base and produces small, round fruit that measure from 1 to 3 centimeters.
The Chinese attribute many different properties to Ginkgo. However, it wasn’t until recently that researchers discovered  that Ginkgo possessed many excellent properties, among which is that of stimulating circulation, principally in the brain.


Ginkgo Biloba known of stimulates and tones the brain:

– Due to the increase of circulation in the brain, and therefore the increased oxygenation and sustenance of brain cells, produced by the extract from the leaves of Ginkgo Biloba. This plant has can give excellent energy for boost brain health.


Ginkgo Biloba may help to increase memory and mental concentration:

-In Europe, millions of daily dosage are consumed by students and professionals in order to increase their mental abilities. Whether for work or study, thus demonstrating the effective impact it has on increasing memory and mental power. Perhaps you’ve heard that ginkgo power for memory alertness. concentration, and energy in just about anyone. Moreover Gingko has an excellent help to support blood circulation of the brain also. It a remarkable “brain tonic.” 

Ginkgo Biloba and  blood circulation:

The ginkgo tree has been the source of many Chinese medicines for thousands of years. And, today, people are getting really excited because concentrated extracts from ginkgo leaves have been shown.
As we known ginkgo may help to improve blood flow through the arteries. Moreover veins, so helps support blood circulation of the whole body.
Very good for boost energy level. Also powerful of antioxidant.

Forever Living created one of the best nutritional supplement product;
-called Forever Focus.
This is with extract from the ornamental Ginkgo Biloba tree leaf, combined bacopa extract from an herb used in traditional Ayurvedic chines medicine. We added Huperzia serrata extract help attention, support focus and moreover overall cognitive health. Plus, vitamin B12 and B6 are
In recommended doses (3 pills / daily..

Forever Focus Benefits:

  • increase brain activity
  • -supports cognitive function
  • -power for  memory
  • -improves immune system
  • -supports mental clarity
  • High value of vitamin, minerals, antioxidants and furthermore much more health benefits we can enjoy of  Forever Move.

BUY Ginkgo Plus Supplement Online .
Use” ORDER HERE” button of  top menu bar.

What determines the quality of the aloe vera gel?

What rules to focus when you choose aloe vera gel?

Forever Living Products Aloe Vera Drinks
1) Aloe Vera needed to grow clean environment, where the air and land is chemical-free.

-Forever Living Aloe Vera plantation of Arizona, Mexico and Caribbean island where the climate best for it. Forever Living bought airspace  over the plantation which means aloe vera plant growing in a clean environment. Our company doesn’t use any chemicals to fertilization of the ground.

2) Need stabilization process:

-Aloe Vera very sensitive plant – when you cut the leaf of the plant and inside the beneficial gel contact with oxygen and sun-shine, the gel within a short time loosing the of 80% of over 250 kind of beneficial ingredients. Therefore aloe gel needed to stabilize.
Forever Living only has patented stabilized of aloe gel, which keeping all the beneficial ingredients.

3) Aloe Gel without water:

– We can find many kind of aloe vera gel in the public store. On the instruction    show us what kind of ingredients in the bottle. However, most of bottle of aloe gel comes with  water. Purest aloe gel doesn’t contain water.
Forever Living Aloe Vera gel pure and  natural  without water,  like  when you get gel  from inside  the fresh plant.

4) It is also noteworthy what kind of the preservatives add;

-in many cases, the natural aloe drinks contains chemical substances in order to preservation of ingredients. But preservation of the chemical substances used  unfortunately also ruins the otherwise in good quality of aloe vera gel. Thus do more harm than good.

Our Gel is preserved with cranberries.

Forever Living the  world’s largest grower, processor, delivery, research of Aloe Vera plant. Forever own hand these mentioned  processes. Use high quality of Aloe Vera gel from Forever.

Principal beneficial characteristics  of aloe vera gel.

1. For Detoxification:
-Due to the potassium which it contains, aloe vera helps to improves yourimmune system, the principal organs of detoxification. Aloe contains uronic acid which eliminates toxic materials with the cells.
The firs time aloe is ingested it tends to may cause a slight case of diarrhea because it can causes an initial cleansing of the intestines, from bacteria as well as from food stuck in the folds.

2. For Digestive:

-Aloe contains a great number of enzymes. Some enzymes are produced by the body (pancreas) but others are not, and these need to supplied to the body externally. In the digestive process the enzymes transform proteins by breaking them down into their amino acids components, carbohydrates into sugars (glucose), and fats into fatty acids. The transformed elements are then absorbed by the intestine and passed on to the circulatory system.
One component of Aloe, aloin, works as laxative. we extracting the aloin from the outer rind of the leaf because appears to slow down the emptying of the stomach and to inhibit the release of excess hydrochloric acid and the enzyme pepsin.
We recommended to take aloe starting with low dose, one or two ounces a day then can increase this quantity.

3. For Energizer:

-Aloe helps to promote good metabolism, that is, the production of energy which the body needs. Also, because it contains Vitamin C, whic himportant for ideal function of the body’s organs. Vitamin C is not produced by the body and therefore we must provide it externally. This vitamin is very important in the strengthening of the immune system, and digestive system, and support vitality.

4. For skin:

Many people has good experience such as when they directly applied to the effected area of sunburn. mosquito bites on the skin etc…
Aloe vera is effective help externally , when is directly applied to the skin the gel also.


5. For  cells:

-Aloe possesses a hormone that can helps to accelerates the growth new cells and, also helps eliminating the old one. Due to the presence of Calcium in aloe, which helps to regulate the amount of liquid in the cells, and maintain internal and external equilibrium.
This helps to rebuild healthy cells in the body tissues.

Aloe Vera Gel is the one of best natural synergically mix of Vitamins, Minerals, Amino acids, Enzymes which is very beneficial help to balancing health in the  human body.

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