How works antioxidants, vitamin & nutritions in our body?

Why we need antioxidants, vitamin and nutrition?


What makes antioxidants so important?

   Can they really help us move from ordinary to excellent health? Why we need to take vitamin and antioxidants? To understand how antioxidants and vitamin can help you, step back for a moment. And look at your body as a whole and its interrelationship with the environment around you. Your body is a complex structure with many dynamic organ systems that work independently and and last but not least independently of each other.


-to sustain you in your environment, these interconnected system requires fuel. That fuel, the food you take in when you eat – is broken down into macro-nutrients: fats, carbohydrates, and protein. These elements continuously pump blood through your body.
This energy allows your brain to function, your muscles to contract, and your immune system to fight off infection. . Your body’s process of consuming and using energy is called, metabolism. This process goes on constantly, day and night, within your body. In a way, this use of energy can be compared to car’s burning of gasoline. To run at full efficiently, the car requires not only gasoline as its energy source, but also the right additives to keep the energy from “knocking”. Your body requires not only carbohydrates, protein, and fat for energy, but also the right balance of macronutrients to run at its best.

The Role of Oxygen:

 Without oxygen, your body could not convert the food that you consume into usable energy. This essential substance allows you to metabolize fats furthermore protein, and carbohydrates. The body’s use of oxygen involves a process known as oxidative reactions. These essential reactions convert food energy sources into useful molecular subunits and discard what is no longer needed of functional.
   Everything you do – from the most basic actions of seeing, hearing, laughing, slepeing, and thinking – depends on your body’s use of oxygen. Oxygen is key to your survival and to the proper functioning of your vital organs.


Free radicals:

-In a car, the running motor created an exhaust that is emitted through the tailpipe. The gases in that exhaust (carbon monoxide, sulfur, and nitrogen oxides) are harmful pollutants. In a similar way, as your body uses molecules to create energy, is produces an ” exhaust” that includes substances known as free radicals. Because of their structure, free radicals are toxic: you can think of them as  harmful pollutants. Of the many kinds of free radicals, the most common are oxygen-free radicals. As the cells in your body consume millions of oxygen molecules each minute, huge numbers of these oxygen-free radicals are produced.

Free radicals are molecules with one or more unpaired electrons; they are unstable and highly reactive.
To regain stability, free radicals attack other molecules in search of an electron. free radicals can target molecules in any cell in the body from which to grab an electron. The molecule attacked by the free radical loses an electron and damaged.
To regain stability, free radicals attack other molecules in search of an electron.


    Just as your body constantly consumes and uses energy;

-the free radicals produces during this  process constantly damage molecules in cells throughout your body. In fact, it is estimated that every cell in your body is subjected to approximately 10,000 “hits” by free radicals each day.
     Why normal metabolism produces some free radicals, many circumstances – such as illness, cigarette smoking, radiation, and irritating chemicals in the air – can increase the number of free radicals produced. When the level of free radicals gets too high, as in smokers, for example, the body is said to be in a state of oxidative stress.
   Fortunately, your cells have built-in system to repair the damage free radicals cause, and your body can usually maintain a reasonable balance between the rate of damage and the rate of repair. The cell may not be damaged enough to be considered “sick” but will not function well enough to be considered healthy.

Consider, for example;

On the other hand, the damage from free radicals is sometimes too extensive to repair.
If free radicals are so bad, you may wonder, why does body continue to produce them?  Like oxygen itself – which is essential but which can be toxic – free radicals help protect your body in some important ways. Certain immune cells in your body release free radicals than can kill invading bacteria and help prevent infections, for example. Because of this, we need to balance the destructive and the beneficial capabilities of these molecules.

Antioxidant, Vitamins,  Minerals

amino-acids-are-the-building--blocks-of-all-protein1The substances that neutralize free radicals are called antioxidants. Some antioxidants occur naturally in the environment. Your body manufacturers other ( for example, enzymes with names like (superoxide dismutase, glutathione proxide, and catalase). As I mentioned, certain itamin and minerals have antioxidant effects, particularly Vitamin C and E, ans Beta Carotine, as well as the Minerals, Zinc and Selenium.
Aloe Vera gel contains all the important vitamins,minerals and antioxidants, and in addition to give you vitality.


-our knowledge is greatest about the antioxidant effects of vitamins C and E and of beta carotene. These three micro nutrients are we can find in different parts of the cell.  And these nutrient is active depends on where a free radicals attacks. For example, vitamin E is fat-soluble ( dissolves in fat), and is primarily in cells membranes. It may act most prominently as an antioxidant if damage occurs in the cell membrane. The  water-soluable vitamin C we can find in the cytoplasm of the cell and may play  a more important antioxidant role if a free radical is inside the watery confines of the cell.
  Despite their different locations in the cell, antioxidants operate in similar ways. When they encounter a free radical, with its unpaired or missing electron, they give up one of their own electrons to the free radical.

Why doesn’t the vitamin itself become a free radicals?

Antioxidants to interact with each other. When vitamin E gives up its electron to free radical, the vitamin becomes oxidized. Vitamin C can then interact with the modified vitamin E and return it to its original state. This vitamin interaction helps maintain the balance between free radicals and antioxidants.
In summation, our bodies break down the food that we consume into the nutrients that supply energy. Besides that, this energy fuel the many cellular functions necessary to sustain life. Metabolism – the process of energy consumption and utilization. Furthermore involves a series of reactions using oxygen. These oxidative reactions create byproducts, known as free radicals. Substances known as antioxidants help the body come with this potential for cellular damage. Antioxidants, more notably Vitamin C and of course Vitamin E and carotene give up electrons to render free radicals harmless.

Forever Living Products:

Forever Living Products Nutrition -has different types of nutritional supplements which are including contains antioxidants, vitamins and minerals and best sources of herbs. In order to greater effect we reach, need to  consume each of three different  types supplements: antioxidants, vitamins, nutrition.


  • Forever Living Antioxidants products: LYCIUM PLUS, VISION, GINKGO PLUS, GARLIC-THYME and A-BETA-CARE  
  • Minerals products: NATURE MIN, FIELDS OF GREENS, CALCIUM  
  • Vitamin products: NATURE’S 18, KIDS VITAMIN,  B12 PLUS,  A-BETA-CARE,  ABSORBENT C.

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