Five Vitamin & Nutrition rich food for your Holiday table.

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Find out benefits of several  Fresh and Natural Super Holiday’s Food.

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Five food that should always be on your table because they are  full of vitamin, minerals and antioxidants, what your body need.

We’re about to enter the most anticipated six weeks of the year. From Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day, we will gather with family and friends, take time off, enjoy celebration and eat A LOT of food. Since we know it’s coming, why not prepare for it now by thinking about how to make that food as healthy as it can be? Here are these five foods rich in vitamins:

Benefits of Cold-water, wild fish:

– Tuna, trout and salmon are all high in Omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to lower the risk of health problem. Fish also contains protein, Magnesium, Calcium, and important B-vitamins. These natural minerals concentration all together in a Forever Living Arctic Sea.

Benefits of Tomatoes:

-There are so many ways to get tomatoes into your diet it is almost hard to miss them. Lycopene is the driving force behind the tomato’s nutritious contribution to any diet. More potent that vitamin C, Lycopene is an antioxidant that can help suppress prostate problem in men, and help support immune system function for everyone.

Benefits of Sweet Potatoes:

-Substitute your beige spuds with this colorful, flavorful nutritional powerhouse. Sweet potatoes can be baked with the skin on, or sliced and baked as a fries if you need your ketchup-dipping fix. Carotenoids, fiber, potassium, and vitamin C are just a few of the beneficial nutrients in these tubers.

Benefits of Spinach:

-Not only does spinach create strong bones, and It plays an important role of fight free radicals. It also has iron and other minerals that are good for the heart. Spinach also has lutein, which is helps the eye ideal eyesight . Go heavy on the spinach, since it has almost no calories, and it is full of antioxidants and vitamins, which has nutritive qualities for the body functions.
Benefits of Oranges:

-We all know oranges for their power and help to cold season. But the vitamin C in oranges is pulling double duty by also lowering the risk of any health problem. Studies have also shown that people who eat citrus throughout the day tend to eat less at meals, thanks to its high fiber content. This is a great benefit for those many Americans who want to lose weight.

Many other fruits and vegetable contains of beneficial nutrients,but these wonderful super food always can be on your table! Many happiness for a next Holiday-days!

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