Forever Aloe Vera Gentleman’s Pride After Shave

Forever Living Gentleman’s Pride Aloe After Shave.


Forever Living Products Gentleman's Pride After Shave and Men 25th Edition Alcohol free parfume

For over 5,000 years, people have held the healing powers of this aloe vera miracle plant in the highest regard. Egyptian physician used it in the treatment of skin disorders and laxative and  detox of body. Modern science has proved that these ancient healers knew what they were talking all along.
 You may not need scientists telling you that aloe gel is excellent treatment for skin care ,but it may comfort you to learn that science confirm what you already know.

Forever Aloe Vera Gentleman’s Pride Men After Shave and Skin Conditioner:

-best treatment for you. Open the bottle and moisturize your face area as well ,and enjoy the fresh icy exhilaration feeling. University of Texas investigators have tested the use of aloe on wide  variety of burns and found it highly effective. So, Gentleman’s Pride Aloe Vera After Shave As a protective layer on your face from sunburn.

Benefits of Aloe Vera After Shave:

Aftershave or anytime moisturizing lotion
– Alcohol-free formula
– Soothes and moisturizes
– Unique, fresh fragrance

Forever Aloe Vera Man’s 25th Edition Alcohol-free Perfume Spry :

-aromatic  fragrance of blend Sensuous masculine blend of fruity, components proven of forever fresh feeling  and long lasting. Ingredients of aromatic notes of crushed basil and Mediterranean lavender with a refreshing combination of iced pineapple and Cambrian bergamot. The slightly fruity aromatic impression continues into the heart, where geranium and tea leaves are accented by Granny Smith apple.

Natural aromatic woody notes  fragrance perfume based of sensual musks, tea leaves, Granny Smith apple, oakmoss, cedarwood, sandalwood and tonka bean.

ORDER / Forever Man’s Skin and Personal Care Products Online.

Forever Living Products offer for you pure aloe based personal care collection.

Excellent Natural  Forever Personal Care for Men


Healthy Metabolism: Vitamin, Fiber, Low-carb & High-carb Food

How it Works for Low-carb or High-carb Foods in the Metabolism?

 Natural Metabolism Boost:

-That high-carb spaghetti, rice pilaf, bean chili, baked potato or bread has another advantage. It actually boost your metabolism, speeding up your calorie-burning for hours after a meal. Here is how is works: Carbohydrates increase your natural production of hormones, called thyroid hormone and noradrenaline, both of which step-up your metabolism. The result is faster calorie burning that begins automatically. The increased metabolism peaks about 30 to 90 minutes and continues for hours after the meal.
For people who like technical explanations, here is what happens. Your thyroid gland is at the base of your neck, under called T4. The name refers to the fact that four iodine atoms are attached to it. Carbohydrate-rich foods turn T4 into a much  more powerful hormone by removing one of these iodine atoms The resulting hormone, now called T3, increase the calorie-burning speed in your cells, just as stepping on the gas pedal of your car increases the rate at which the car burns gas.
So high-carb foods are great for help to burning calorie.

Diet and  Carbohydrate-rich  Foods.

Diet that are very low in complex carbs can do the opposite, turning T4 into an inactive hormone called reverse T3, slowing  down your metabolism and short-circuiting your change for success. The thyroid boost is only half the story of your improved calorie-burning. Carbohydrate-rich  foods also increase your body’s production of another hormone,called noradrenaline, a  close relative of adrenaline, and it adds to your ability to burn calories.

So carbohydrate-rich foods are the best friends of anyone trying to slim down. They are naturally low in calories, they cannot easy add to your body fat, and they help boost your metabolism for hours, so calories are burned off faster.
Now here is a critical point: Complex carbohydrates are found only in plants. Grains, such as a bread, spaghetti , and rice are loaded with them . The same is true of beans and vegetables. But, animal products are a different story altogether.  There are no complex carbs in chicken, fish, beef, pork, eggs, or dairy products. The more animal products you put on your plate, the more carbohydrate-rich vegetable foods you are pushing  off it. Even worse, because chicken, fish and other animal products do not have any complex carbs, they can encourage the inactivation of thyroid hormone, and your metabolism can actually slow down as a result. That is one reason why the most powerful weight-control programs use vegetarian menus.

Check out natural way to lose weight with  Clean9, 9 days weight management program.

Forever Fiber for digestive constipation metabolism health

Fiber and Plants.

Buy Forever Fiber for healthy metabolismThere is an added bonus to foods from plants.
Plants  are rich in fiber, which adds a hearty texture to foods but has a virtually no calories. Fiber is what people used to call roughage, the part of plants that resists digestion in the small intestine. Its value was not appreciated until relatively recently, and so it is often removed by refining methods. The result it white bread instead of whole-grain breads, white rice instead of brown rice, and baked goods that are more densely packed with calories and less satisfying that they should be. Like complex carbs, fiber is not found in fish or chicken or other animal products. By: Neal Barnard, M. D.

Forever  Aloe Vera Gel

Aoe Vera Gel for gigestion healthExcellent daily multivitamin complex because its rich in vitamin, antioxidant and it contains more than 200 healthy ingredients. Powerful health-promoting and immune-enhancing antioxidants. You can choice flavored like pitches,mango whic are great tasting also. All of these ingredients is ability to promote good health furthermore through the elimination of free radicals in the body.
Especially useful addition to dieters for keeping healthy body .

Recommended for 4 oz/day in the morning which is give you daily needed of antioxidant and vitamin. Ideal for the entire family!

 ORDER / Forever Living Aloe Vera Products Online Store.


Forever Living CardioHealth For Heart Support

Forever  CardioHealth with Coq10 Heart and Cardiovascular Support.

CoQ10 (coenzyme Q,or ubiquinoe) is made naturally in the body also helps maintain cardiovascular system.. In addition to acting as an antioxidant, it increases oxygen use at the cellular level, improving the function of heart muscle cells and boosting capacity for aerobic exercise.It is much researches and widely used. I take it myself and sure to enjoy many healthy benefits of it.

My Experience with  CardioHealth Nutritional Supplement:

Forevr Living Products cardioHelath shop /online store

To order click on the photo

I know CardioHealth is a special formula designed to dissolve our aloe vera Gel to provide they’re important nutritional support for overall cardiovascular system. Including the best ingredients of supplies co-enzyme CoQ10.
CoQ10  promotes healthy homo cysteine levels, and furthermore provides heart-healthy antioxidant.
The Forever Cardio Health  power  is much better absorbed but still must be taken with fat-containing meal.
Serving size: 1 packet, include Vitamin C, E, B5, B12, Folate, Magnesium, Olive leaf extract, Boswellia extract. Furthermore Grape seed extract and Soy Lechitin.

Grape Seed Extract Are Sources of a Group of Flavonoids :

-these called proanthocyanidins, or PCOs, related to red and purple anthocyanin pigments. This supplement helping for me cardiovascular keep healthy. In the absence of specific ailments, they suggest a daily use helps maintain general health. I have been taking Cardiohealth supplement for several years for my cardiac health. Its rich in flavonoids, and all of the above we have added the heart-healthy minerals magnesium and chromium plus lecithin, known for many beneficial effect, fat-mobilizing properties, and the powerful antioxidant vitamins C and E. And I feel helps for me feeling healthier.

All the above Supplement possible Benefits:

– Designed to dissolve easily in Aloe Vera Gel.
– Provides CoQ10, necessary for basic cell functions.

– Supports homocysteine levels in the blood
– Helps maintain healthy cardial function.
– Contains heart-healthy herbal extracts, minerals, lecithin, and antioxidant vitamins which helps to stronger immune and in addition to promote cardiac health.

 ORDER / Forever Living Aloe Vera Products Online Store.



Forever Lite Ultra with Aminotein Shake Recipes

Healthy Shake Lite Ultra with Aminotein Vanilla & Chocolate Taste from Forever Living Products.

Forever Living Ultra shake-Mix

In fact, Forever Lite Ultra contains 55% more protein and less than 1/2 the carbohydrates of regular Forever Lite Protein power.

Shake your way to fitness with this assortment of healthy yet tasty meal
replacements your whole family  can enjoy!

UltraVanilla_LargeGive your body the nutrients it needs with daily Forever Lite Ultra shakes, which provide 100% of the RDI (Reference daily Intake) of vitamins and proteins for body building and cell growth and repair. Each shake also contains 18 amino acids, including essential, non-essential, and the branch-chain amino acids.
We’ve also added the antioxidant Beta carotene and vitamins A and E to help protect against free radicals, Forever Lite Ultra is an integral part of Forever’s Clean9 + Lifestyle F.I.T. programs,with each shake providing a great-tasting, nutritionally sound meal replacement.


Taste of Forever Living Freedom Shake:

Freedom_Large1 scoop Vanilla Lite Ultra
4 oz. Forever Freedom
5 oz. orange juice
1/4 tsp. cinnamon
Blend until smooth with crushed ice
180 calories

Forever  Living Peaches n’ Berries Shake:

Aloe vera Piaches 1 scoop Vanilla
Lite Ultra
4 oz. Aloe Bits n’ Peaches
5 oz. skim milk
½ cup frozen raspberries
or strawberries
Blend until smooth with crushed ice
225 calories

Continue reading

Benefits of Vitamin & Minerals / Forever Living Products

Live in the option by Forever Living Vitamins:

 Absorbent C Vitamin, KIDS Multivitamin, Nature’s18, B12. Daily and Minerals.

Vitamin C

Everywhere you look, you can find a chart or a person making claims about what vitamin, mineral, or other supplement will do for you. Although many of these claims are basically true, they tend to oversimplify the way the body works.

Most nutrients work in concert with each other. For example, if you don’t have enough vitamin E,  A, can be destroyed in your gut.  Without enough Vitamin D, your body can’t absorb Calcium and phosphorous. And without niacin, pantothenic acid, and magnesium, B can’t do much for your digestion.

So just because a study show that a single nutrient may help proven a certain condition doesn’t necessarily mean that popping a few pills of that nutrient will help you. That’s one of the reasons why most nutritionists recommend getting nutrients from diet whenever possible.(Another reason is that many foods contain phytochemicals what caused lot of unhealthy reaction of the body).

If you are a healthy adult ,eating a balanced diet gives you an effective and ample mix of vitamins and minerals-no thinking or calculations necessary. Use the naturally vitamin and minerals, combine with  each other what is doesn’t contains any chemical. That is the  best way we’ve can do for our self.

About Vitamin Supplements:

-are organic chemicals (containing carbon, hydrogen,and oxygen) that promote healthy function of body organs. Essential substances for life and regulate our metabolism. They intervene in the production and control of energy, as well as cells growth and development of all body tissues.
Together with minerals the key in the body functions.

You can’t get along without at least minuscule of 11 specific vitamins: A, D, E, K C, and the B. Vitamins:thiamin ( B1) riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pyridoxine ( B6), folate (the synthetic from folic acid), and cobalamin ( B12). Most nutritionists now say you need biotin (vitamin7) and pantothenic acid (v B5) two other B vitamins.

  These (and nonessential ) vitamins are divided into two groups: fat-soluable ( A, D, E and K) and water-soluable (all rest). As you’d expect, the fat soluble vitamin dissolve in body fat, meaning that they stick around in your body if you take more of them than you need and may lead to toxic effect. Conversely, surplus water-soluble vitamins are just carried off in the urine. Such a product will probably require taking more than one pill or capsule.
Fat-soluable A, D, E: you can take it any time of day, but always do so with a full stomach to avoid indigestion. Vit. D and E and the carotenoids need fat to be absorbed. Do not take them with, for example, a low-fat breakfast such as a half grapefruit, a blow of oatmeal, and tea or coffee.

Can you get enough Vitamin and Minerals from food alone?

forBenefits of Vitamins and MineralsThe conventional line is that you should basically stick to the  RDA ( Recommended Daily Allowance), getting as many vitamins and minerals as you can from foods. But many alternative provides say that these official recommendations are way too low and if people ate enough food to give them the vitamins and minerals they needed, everyone would weight over 600 pounds.
The answer ,supposedly, is super-high doses of vitamin and mineral supplements -popularly known as megadoses. No one really when a reasonable dose becomes a megadose or what exactly the word means. For some people, a megadose means vitamins and minerals  to do damage. For other people, it means enough vitamins and minerals to do you some actual good. We just use the term to mean more than the conventionally recommended dosages.
Checked out Forever KIDS Vitamin.

Megadoses vitamin & minerals may help – possibly.

On the plus side of the megadose controversy, increasing evidence suggests that at least some of the recommended allowances may be too low and that higher does my help prevent the onset of chronic diseases.
Studies show that higher-than-recommended leveles of certain nutrients-especially Calcium, Magnesium, Folate, Niacin, Beta-carotene, and Vit.C, D, and E may help maintain healthy body function.
Even so, most of calcium of the claims made for megadoses- including the late Nobel Prize-winner Linus Pauling’s infamous contentation that massive amounts of vitamin C can have a risk. So vitamin and minerals is helps living healthy, but better if we keep appropriate ratio of vitamins and minerals.

What is the Vitamins recommended Daily Allowance?

Vitamin CIn the U.S. the RDA is standard suggested intake of a certain nutrient for healthy person. This amount can change for person with given problem or illness. For example, the RDA for

Vitamin C is 60mg. /day. Nevertheless, for a smoker, it is recommended to take 25mg+/more cigarette smoked.  If 20 cigarettes are smoked daily 500mg. /daily recommended.


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Forever Living Products Aloe Vera Based Beauty Face Care .

 Aloe Vera Products for Healthy Beauty & Skin Care.


beauty care video click here

It is well known that Nefertiti and Cleopatra used aloe vera and aloe’s beneficial effect for their beauty. By now has become a tradition in beauty care with aloe vera, and  being an important element in many types of beauty products. Forever Living Products realized that aloe vera give back our natural beauty, youth and health of the skin inside to out. Company started process to aloe personal care, skin and beauty care products. So, then created an flawless aloe vera based beauty and cosmetics collection. Check out below information about our collection.

Additional possible benefits of Aloe Vera Skin Care Products:

Helps restores lost liquids, helps repairs damaged tissue from the inside out. Also helps rebuilds cells  sunburns after, skin rashes, and give us natural beauty and youth.

Deeply penetrates the skin, helps regenerates cells, removes dead skin cells (Karetolic action). Works as an antibiotic, energizes, hydrates skin, and  high nutrition for the cells.

Facial cleansing is important for keeping our face soft and supple. This especially important because our skin is exposed to many elements, such as: dust and sun, which cause it to lose some of its youthful features .
Aloe Vera has two components: lignin (cellulose) and polysaccharide (carbohydrates), which truly penetrate the three layers of skin, the epidermis, the dermis, and the hypo-dermis, and clean out bacteria and oil deposits that block our pores. Also, the natural nutrients, like minerals, vitamins, the 19 amino acids and enzymes. These are stimulate the reproduction of new cells, replacing the dead skin sells. If the epidermis can’t get rid of these cells glands won’t be able to function correctly.It caused begin to unhealthy skin.

Aloe vera of power to regenerate the cells, tone, and in addition to it’s ability to maintain skin health. Therefore additional recommended use for the healthy, smooth  skin:

We offer you  two different skin care collection from Forever Living.:

1) Forever Living Products Collection: Power of the Natural  Youth .

Aloe Fleur de Jouvence

 2) Forever Sonya Skin Care Collection:

-The newest Sonya Skin Care Collection with anti-aging technology is a groundbreaking process which highlights the beneficial ingredients of aloe vera, white tea, fruit extract but both are collection excellent and works together  synergistially to reach healthy, youthful, moisturized, silky skin.

Check out more information about Sonya Skin Care collection

Aloe Vera provides a great natural skin care and can easily combine with many different natural products.


ORDER / Forever Aloe Vera Beauty Skin Care Products Online.




Natural Support For Joints Health

Forever Freedom, Nature Min, Calcium, Active HA.

As we age, our bodies produce less and less HA. With less HA, our joints can lose their natural lubrication, and our skin appears rough and dry.Forever Living Products  may help  mobility and flexibility for your joints health. Key ingredients and supplements  Glucosamine, Chondroitin, MSM, Calcium,  Magnesium, Vitamin C and Vitamin D.

Many of the products in this section work to support and maintain your joints and /or bones, so you can make it through your busy day!

Freedom for your healthy joints

Try Forever Living Products and enjoy your daily motion by healthy joints.

Daily use:

Forever Freedom
1.Forever Living Freedom Aloe Vera Gel:

-large amounts of Glucosamine Sulfate (1500mg), Chondroitin Sulfate (1200mg), plus 750mg of MSM and 250mg of vitamin C per 4 oz serving. Also including with pure aloe gel which support your digestion health and many of body function. I have been drinking Freedom   for 20 years and my joints much more comfortable for movement. No any pain than before. I love this product.

Forever Nature Min Dietary Supplement
2. Forever Living Nature Min:

-May help the minerals in the body and  essential element of healthy bones and body function. Forever Nature Min contains all the minerals what body needs with celat formula which means body absorbs faster and where needed.

Natural Calcium Supplement
Forever Living Calcium with Vitamin:
Forever Calcium Citrate combined with Vitamin D and Magnesium. Vitamin D helps body absorb the Calcium. Calcium helps the strengths of  bones ,teeth and nail.
Most nutrients work in concert with each other. For example, without enough  vitamin D, your bo

dy can’t absorb calcium, therefore Forever Living prepared by Calcium with vitamin D in a one capsule.

Active HA Support Joints Supplement
4.Forever Living Active HA:

-Main ingredients: Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is a special protein that our bodies which plays important role to healthy movement.

I have been using since few years these products for my joints, and I happy because these natural products helped me easier to movement after a busy day too.

ORDER / Your Joints Support Supplement Online.


10 Reasons & Benefits to drink Aloe Vera Gel Aloe Drinks

10 Reasons To Drink Forever Pure Aloe Vera Gel.

Forever Living Aloe Gel, Drinks support gut health

1. Cleanest Aloe Drink Every Day :

Fresh exotic flavoring, pure and stabilized aloe vera gel. To be healthy: drink every day in the morning our purest aloe vera gel and enjoy fresh feeling all day long.

2. Contains a large variety of Vitamin:

Including of 12 kind of vitamins :Vitamin A, C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, E. Many of these vitamins cannot be stored by the body so we need consume of the any natural supplements that contains vitamin.

3. The Ingredients may be essential nutrient  for our body:

The leaf contains 200 health promoting compounds, including 20 minerals: Calcium, Phosphorus, Copper, Iron, Zinc, Magnesium,  Manganese, Potassium, Sodium. 18 amino acids, enzymes and mentioned useful  vitamins.

4.  Aloe Vera is Immune Support and Function:

High levels of ingredients that the body needs to keep healthy life. Among the substances identified is aloe vera,  a long chain sugar (polysaccharide) that is known to have an effect on the cytokine system – the chemical messengers of the immune system.

5. Energizer:

Aloe promote good metabolism, that is the production of energy which the body needs. Also because it contains Vitamin C, that may be important in the strengthening of the immune system.

6. Natural Cleanser:

Forever Living Aloe Vera Gel may cleanse our body  system from the toxic substances, due to the oils it contains. On the other hand, because of the presence of proteolytic enzymes, it helps cleaning dead tissues.
Very often, the water we drink does not live up to recommended standards and represents a source of toxic accumulations in the body. We could also mention the taste and the chemical preservatives, with proven toxic and carcinogenic effects. Food additives are a big threat to our health.

7. Cells Regeneration:

Aloe possesses a hormone that may helps accelerate the growth of new cells, also eliminating the old ones. Due to the presence of calcium in aloe which regulates the amount of liquid in the cells. In addition it contains minerals like Calcium, Phosporous, Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Potassium, Sodium: essential elements for metabolism and cellular operation.

8. Re-hydration of the skin:

Aloe vera penetrates deeply and helps to restores lost liquids.Collagen and Elastin Repair:
Aloe Vera Gel can add a rich supply of building materials to produce and maintain healthy skin. The skin replenishes itself every 21 to 28 days. Using the nutritional building blocks of aloe vera, the skin can utilize these nutrients daily to help maintain the healthy skin! A daily dose of Aloe Vera Gel can be just what your skin needs to look and feel good .

9. Dental Health and Hygiene:

Aloe vera is extremely healthful for your mouth and gums. A 2008 study in the Journal of Applied Oral Science found that aloe, used as a dentifrice, works very well. A daily dose of Aloe Vera Gel may support your healthy oral hygiene – especially when combined with daily use of Forever Bright Toothgel. Aloe and propolis one of the best combination for your dental hygiene.

10. Aloe Vera (Barbadensis Miller) has no known side effects!

There is no risk of overdose. Aloe is extremely safe, non-toxic.

Also detox & improve your immune system. Helps body heal itself.

Dosage for Forever Aloe Vera gel;
-recommended  before any beverage or meal in the morning 2-4 oz. up to you. You can’t overdose. No risk. No side effects.

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Rex Maughan Founder / Chairman of the Biggest Aloe Company

Rex Maughan Founder  CEO of Forever Living Products.

  An alumnus of Arizona State University Business Schoo, Rex Maughan has built an international network of diversified companies that span the globe. Forever has been listed as Arizona’s largest privately owned company for many years.It was opened 1978 in Arizona, Phoenix where head office operating even nowadays

Rex Maughan CEO and Founder of Forever Living ProductsRex is a visionary who cares passionately about people and the world we all share.

The following is an eagle’s eye view of a few of his exceptional contributions to business. Furthermore organizations and charities in the U.S. and other countries worldwide .

REX MAUGHAN Founder and Past Director;

President and Chairman of the International Aloe Science Council. Includes into the International Aloe Science of Fame, 2002.

Doctor of Human Letters, honors cause, in recognition of his exceptional business accomplishments, substantial contributors for Arizona State University ,and his inspirational commitment to service.

 Doctor of Philosophy Medicine Alternative Institute (1962) Sri Lanca. The Open International University for Complementary Medicines .

Past President and Member of the Phoenix Building Owners and Managers  Association.

Director and Past Chairman;

-for 17 years, of the National Park Hospitality Association, representing over 100 members in over 50 national park.
-Financing and constructing of a local school for 250 students on the Island of Savaii. Also  Samoa…..he has many more recognitions but short the place in here.

Message from Rex Maughan : “Our success:each individual must define what success truly means in their life. At Forever, we work tirelessly to create the vehicle to help everyone achieve their goals, dreams and aspirations.”

I registered in 2003 as a distributor and used our products every day. Of course I have lot of great experience about products and business in the past few years. Many Forever friends around the world because we are in with business 159 country. I love products I love company and I hope you will be satisfied costumer or my forever partner. Order today or register as a distributor and enjoy with us the Forever successful lifestyle.

Distributor Join Register Forever Living

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What are Benefits of Honey and Cinnamon?

Benefits of Forever Living Products Honey.

Honey is the only food on the planet that will not spoil or rot.

What it will do is what some call ‘turning to sugar’. In reality, honey is always honey. However, when left in a cool dark place for a long time it will “crystallize”. When this happens loosen the lid, boil some water and sit the honey container in the hot water, but turn off the heat and let it liquefy naturally. It is then as good as it ever was. Never boil honey or put it in a microwave. This will kill the enzymes in the honey.

Facts on Honey and Cinnamon;

It is found that a mixture of honey and Cinnamon is may be the most helper for human body to keep healthy. Honey is produced in most of the countries of the world. Scientists of today also accept honey as a ‘Ram Ban’ (very effective) miracle for all kinds of body organs and function. Honey has no side effects and no any kind of healthy changes.

Today’s science says that even though honey is sweet, when it is taken in the right dosage, the result quick energy for the body. Weekly World News, a magazine in Canada, in its issue dated 17 January, 1995 has given the beneficial list of health problem that can be helps by honey and cinnamon, as researched by western scientists.  We can find information on the net.

I have my own story about cinnamon and honey;

When I was a kid, I lived in boonies with my grandma in a miraculous acacia woods. In the summer time of every year has been a lot of bee, around our house, the bee’s owners brought to collect the pollen. We got a lot of pure acacia honey from the beehive owners end of the summer. So, I knew already all of benefits of bee’s products since my childhood, and my grandma taught recipes all of about beneficial effect about honey and many other types of herbs gave me. Since my childhood I love using everything what comes from nature, what make me healthy.
Hard to found naturally beneficial food as a honey, honey one of best sorcerer in our life.

What is in Forever Honey?

contains most vitamins and rich in trace elements that are indispensable for the body, enzymes, the catalysators of cell  metabolism, proteins and amino acids as well . It is also power of antioxidants.
Enzymes are made from proteins and are essential for maintaining a great number of the body’s functions. There are thousands of very important enzymes which maintain cell reaction.
Enzymes are produced by the body, (not enough to the healthy rhythm of life) nevertheless they can be obtained from fruits and of course vegetables. Furthermore mangos, avocados, papaya, cucumbers, bananas, asparagus, and especially from wheat and barley sprouts.

An important fact;

-to know is that if vegetables are cooked or boiled, the enzymes can be ruined since they are very sensitive to heat.This is the cause, why the warm honey losing all the benefits of the ingredients .

She spoke also many of the beneficial effects of other herbs, call cinnamon. Did you know that, was time when cinnamon more valuable than gold? Chinese medicine and Ayurveda have long revered cinnamon also like Bee’s products, Garlic and Bee Propolis . And Moses talked of several times in the Bible about it. As well as we can find many variety of information in the Internet how to you use that if we want to keep our body healthy.

I would like share you;

-my experience with honey and cinnamon. We became a habit that almost exclusively use natural herbs, if any unhealthy feeling come up. If I got a cold, grandma reinforced with lemon, onion cinnamon and of course honey. She boiled one cup water and made into the one onion like tea and I drank.
Then she boiled one or two of cup water again with a teaspoon cinnamon. It was fantastic scent and aroma that I used for inhaled. After I inhaled with spice aroma tea she gave me one spoon of honey, and I past for the next day I felt much better. It was cinnamon tea steaming in ourhouse many times all day. At that time we didn’t have any better air freshener (sometimes lemon or orange peel).

Of course;

-we used to not only during cold season. Cinnamon and honey we mixed together in the small bottle and we used to every day one teaspoon.

I use every day, cinnamon, Forever Honey, Gel, Tea (1,5 l water /1 filter tea) and nutritional supplements. I am happy with Forever’s natural products, my body say: thank you for wonderful beneficial aloe vera products.

Buy Forever Bee Honey Online

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